Analysis and Career Guidance for Graduate and Professionals

Analysis and Career Guidance for Graduate and Professionals

Current Stage of Career


  • To know yourself better - your strengths, weaknesses, aptitude, interests etc.
  • To explore various options available for a career shift or profession change.
  • To set a realistic, achievable and gainful career goal.

Advance Planning


  • Through proven AI based personality assessment and personalised analysis.
  • Expert guidance to create your own career road-map through research and personalised discussions .
  • Wholistic career planning approach to ensure proper work-life-health balance .

Execute & Review


  • Systematic guidance for your personalised action plan.
  • Handholding through the execution plan with regular reviews.
  • Creating the most relevant cover letter, CV and insights for interview techniques.

What you will get?

  • Detailed Professional Profile Analysis.
  • 22+ Pages Detailed Career Report .
  • 1 Hour+ Counselling Duration.
  • Career Advancement Recommendations.
  • 1 Year Post Counselling Support. **
  • Resume Analysis support. **
  • Industry Inputs. **
  • Skills Development Recommendations. **

** - Optinal Services.

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